General Information
The published articles are the intellectual property of the Panhellenic Physiotherapists’ Association. They may not be reproduced without the written permission of the editorial director. The articles to be judged must not have been published or submitted for publication in whole or in part in any other journal. However, the full results of papers published as advance notices may be accepted for judging. In any case, the submission of well-documented research studies is recommended.
Articles accepted by the Journal of Panhellenic Physiotherapists' Association come from primary research (experimental, observational, and epidemiological studies), secondary research (reviews, scoping reviews, systematic reviews, meta-analyses), letters to the editor, etc.
When submitting the article, the author indicates whether it is the first publication, whether the paper has been submitted for publication in another journal, or whether it has already been published in some way, in whole or in part. In the latter case, copies of this material are submitted to check the possibility of publishing the new article.
The articles will be submitted and evaluated in both Greek and English.
Articles should be written as follows:
- Use MS Word for Windows text editor.
- Times New Roman font, font size 12, paragraph spacing 1.5, with 2.5 cm margins on each page (about 300 words/page).
- The numbering of the pages should be done on the right of the footer.
- Add line numbersof the article, to the left of the text.
- Use the tab key and not the space at the beginning of paragraphs or when laying out tables.
- Adding a space after punctuation.
- Marking the text in italics and not in bold characters.
The following parts of the article are written separately:
- The title page: a) the title of the article, b) the names of the authors in the nominative case, c) the status of each author and the scientific center, university institution, clinic, or laboratory from which the work originates, d) the name, address and telephone number of one of the authors for editorial contact, e) possible sources that have financially supported and helped to carry out the work.
- Abstracts (Greek and English) and keywords: are usually written in the third person and do not exceed 250 words each. The length is 60 words or less for interesting cases and diagnostic techniques.
The summary is divided into four paragraphs:
- Purpose: Briefly state the hypothesis to be tested and the dilemma to be solved.
- Material Method: Describe briefly and clearly what material and methods were used and how they were analyzed.
- Results: Include the results of the study.
- Conclusions: The conclusions that logically follow from the results of the study are described in one or two sentences.
- Keywords: 4-5 keywords are mentioned, formulated in Greek and English respectively. These words must be crucial for finding the data needed to achieve the study’s intended purpose.
The main text:
- over 5000 words: for systematic reviews over 3500 words: for clinical, experimental, and qualitative studies over 2500 words: observational studies follow the structure of the abstract but with detailed paraphrases. It is recommended to include the following:
- historical review and current reality through article review (the Harvard system is followed)
- description of the methodology explanation of the measurement and analysis techniques presentation of the results commentary on the results and discussion conclusions articulography (include the DOI of each article)
- the tables, graphs, and pictures together with the captions
Tables - Diagrams - Pictures:
They are arranged on a separate page with double line spacing. They are numbered with Arabic numerals in the order of their appearance in the text (Table 1) and each is given a short title. In all three cases, only three colors should be used (white, black, and grey) and the files should be in TIF format.
Authors are encouraged to acknowledge the contributors in the preparation of the manuscript from conception to the final drafting of the manuscript.
References must be in APA style. Author name(s), year of publication, article or chapter title, journal or book title, volume and issue (where appropriate), and page numbers are essential. All bibliographic entries must contain a corresponding in-text citation. The addition of DOI (Digital Object Identifier) numbers is recommended but not essential.
[For more information:]
⇣ Current Issue
Volume 27 - Issue 4