Issues Volume 23 - Issue 1 January - April 2020

Pilot study recording the incorporation of physiotherapy in special primary and secondary education

Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the views of special education teachers, the Special Educators and the Special Assistants of Primary and Secondary Education, on physiotherapy.

Methods: The survey involved 55 people over 20 years of age with the above-mentioned specialties, from three special schools in the prefecture of Argolis and two special schools in the prefecture of Arcadia. A questionnaire consisting of 22 closed and open-ended questions was designed for the purposes of the survey. Analyses were performed using the SPSS v21 statistical package and the results were presented using descriptive statistical analysis.

Results:The participants in the research did not have any particular knowledgeof physiotherapy as a scienceits fields of application,nor had they received any specific information about physiotherapy and its role in special education. Nevertheless, from the answers to the questions it appeared that the participants have a positive attitude towards physiotherapeutic intervention in special education schools. Participants would also welcome collaboration between a physiotherapist and other staff (educational, scientific and ancillary) of the school unit and state that they would be prepared to follow his/her advice to assist weakly mobile students.

Conclusions:A physiotherapist’s intervention might have a positive impact on both the educational process and the behavior and sociality of pupils in and out of class.

keywords : disability, special education, special educators, physical therapist, pediatric physiotherapy
Τόμος 27 - Τεύχος 4 | ΟΚΤΩΒΡΙΟΣ - ΔΕΚΕΜΒΡΙΟΣ 2024
Volume 27 - Issue 4