Issues Volume 26 - Issue 4 OCTOBER - DECEMBER 2023

The official Greek version of the National Institutes of Health - Quality Assessment Tool for Observational Cohort and Cross-Sectional Studies

Purpose: The aim of this study was the official translation into Greek of the “National Institutes of Health - Quality Assessment Tool for Observational Cohort and Cross-Sectional Studies” (NIH-QATOCCs) proposed by the American National Institutes of Health.

Materials - Method: Official permission for translating the original NIH-QATOCCsS questionnaire and its guidance was given by the American National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI). The adaptation of NIH-QATOCCsS into Greek followed Brislin's classic back-translation model, which included: (a) back-translation method, (b) bilingual technique, (c) committee approach, and (d) pretest procedure.

Results: After completing all the required procedures, the final Greek version of the NIH-QATOCCsS was approved by the present study's authors.

Conclusions: The NIH-QATOCCsS is a detailed tool, easy to use, with clear guidance, and its Greek translation is available for scientists and students writing in Greek, systematic reviews that include observational cohortcross-sectional studies.

keywords : Observational study, Methodological quality, Assessment, Systematic review
Τόμος 27 - Τεύχος 4 | ΟΚΤΩΒΡΙΟΣ - ΔΕΚΕΜΒΡΙΟΣ 2024
Volume 27 - Issue 4