Issues Volume 24 - Issue 1 January - April 2021

Assessment of children with neurodevelopmental disorders in School Units of Special Education and expectations from their rehabilitation: The Agreement between the Physiotherapists and the Parents/ Guardians.

Συγγραφείς: Panagiotatou Chrysanthi 1

    Neurodevelopmental disorders are chronic, they start at any time in the developmental process and remain throughout life. Comorbidity often occurs. The family is a factor influencing treatment and development of children. Physiotherapy in special education aims at identifying restrictions in pupil participation and organizes a personalized intervention program after an evaluation.
    Method-Sample: The trial wasrandomised controlled and were evaluated 27 adolescent/adult pupils with neurodevelopmental disorders and mental retardation by using Gross Motor Function Measurement -88 and Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory . In addition, attitudes and expectations of parents and specialist were mapped out and correlated through  questionnaires.
    The results and the conclusion are summarized in a) Low agreement between the parent/guardian and physiotherapist for the general condition of the child, the priorities and the expectations from the physiotherapy program. b) The physiotherapist's relationship with parents/guardians focuses on psychological support and information from the specialist and when asked to participate actively. c) There is a statistically significant correlation of G.M.F.M.-88 with the subcategories "Self-handling" and "Mobility" of P.E.D.I.(d) It is possible to use the results of the sub-categories ("Self-handling" and "Mobility") of the P.E.D.I. and G.M.F.M.-88 (sub-categories "Standing", "Walk-Running-Jump" and the overall score of G.M.F.M.-88) in order to characterize the general situation of pupils more objectively (by using the "K-means clustering").

keywords : chool based physiotherapy, special education, assessment, P.E.D.I., G.M.F.M.-88, parents, students, neurodevelopmental disorders
Τόμος 27 - Τεύχος 4 | ΟΚΤΩΒΡΙΟΣ - ΔΕΚΕΜΒΡΙΟΣ 2024
Volume 27 - Issue 4