Issues Volume 23 - Issue 3 September – December 2020

Assessment of the effects of the “Active Neonates” technique (AN-t) on premature neonates in NICU during afive-day physiotherapy intervention period

Aim: To record the effects of AN-t on the body growth and function of the cardiovascular and respiratory system of preterm infants during the first 5 days period of the study.

Material - Method: 24 preterm infant, with gestational age ≤ 32 weeks(after parental consent) were grouped equally into the Intervention (IG) (n = 12) and Control (CG) (n = 12) group with 1: 1 representation for gestational age and birth weight. On the IG an original standardized intervention protocol (AN-t), specifically designed for the study,was appliedbeyond the daily conventional clinical care.

Results: There was a twofold change in the daily weight gain rate between the intervals (I1) and (I2) , before and during the intervention period respectively, with p = 0.033 in favor of IG. Statistical significance was also observed in the reduction of heart rate at the end of each session compared to the start in both morning (p = 0.006) and afternoon (p = 0.002) sessions. Similar significance was recorded to the increase in O2 saturation at the end of each session (morning- afternoon) with p = 0.003.

Conclusions: The intervention protocol (AN-t) seems to be safe as an intervention protocol in order to promote active motion in premature medically stable neonates, since no disturbing signs from the respiratorycardiovascular system were presented. Furthermore A.N-t seems to favor neonatal growth but the responsiblemechanisms for this observation are not yet elucidated.

keywords : Preterm neonates, kinesthetic stimuli, compressions, daily weight gain rate,
Τόμος 27 - Τεύχος 4 | ΟΚΤΩΒΡΙΟΣ - ΔΕΚΕΜΒΡΙΟΣ 2024
Volume 27 - Issue 4