Issues Volume 23 - Issue 2 May - August 2020

Chronic musculoskeletal pain in patients with low back pain

Low back pain is the most common musculoskeletal pain disorder. It is estimated that a large percentage of people will experience at least one episode of low back pain during their lifetime. When low back pain exceeds the normal time of tissue healingit is characterized as chronic. In chronic low back pain, the patient’s clinical picture, in addition to its biological background, is also affected by psychological, social and cognitive parameters. This study refers to the self-reported assessment tools and the proposed physiotherapeutic and non-physiotherapeutic rehabilitation of chronic back pain.

keywords : chronic low back pain, self-reported assessment, rehabilitation
Τόμος 27 - Τεύχος 4 | ΟΚΤΩΒΡΙΟΣ - ΔΕΚΕΜΒΡΙΟΣ 2024
Volume 27 - Issue 4