Issues Volume 23 - Issue 2 May - August 2020

Chronic pain in patients with fibromyalgia

The epidemiology of fibromyalgiaindicates that 4% of the American population suffers from it. The main symptom of fibromyalgia is widespread chronic pain, which is accompanied by other symptoms, such as tenderness in muscles, tendons and joints, sleep disorders and fatigue. This study investigated the main symptom of fibromyalgia, which is chronic pain, analyzing the mechanism that provokes it and how itcan be alleviated. The pathophysiology of chronic pain is dependent on biophysiological factors, while recent studies have shown that central sensitization maybeone of the main mechanisms provoking chronic pain. Psychological and social factors are also responsible for the persistence of chronic pain. A promising approachin chronic pain managementis cognitive behavioral therapy. In conclusion, patients who suffer from fibromyalgia can limit the appearance of symptoms by following a therapeutic protocolaimed to enhance their quality of life.

keywords : fibromyalgia, chronic pain, assessment, treatment
Τόμος 27 - Τεύχος 4 | ΟΚΤΩΒΡΙΟΣ - ΔΕΚΕΜΒΡΙΟΣ 2024
Volume 27 - Issue 4