Issues Volume 22 - Issue 2 May - August 2019

Neuromusculokeletaldisorders in musicians and their treatmentwith physical therapy

Συγγραφείς: Achtsi Alexandra 1

Purpose: The purpose of the creation of the questionnaire was to collect information from music professionals and not, on the sample patterns in the music practice and for the incidence neyromyoskeletal disorders due to long hours of practice and ergonomically incorrect posture.

Materials - Methods: The study was conducted the period of April to June 2016, for the purpose of the thesis entitled "The neyromyoskeletal disorders in musicians". The tool that was used was a questionnaire created for this study.

Results: The research shows that the intense exercise of music can bring different neyromyoskeletal problems, especially at the upper limb and at the upper trunk, if the practice is not in accordance with the advice of the physicianphysiotherapist.

Conclusions: According to the answers, we can conclude that the occurrence of the neyromyoskeletal disorders are not particularly related to the type of musical instrument but to the level of musical education of the patient and the number of exercising hours performed. It is obvious that a musician with higher-level music studies, the more demanding is the repertoire and the more practice hours required in the study.

keywords : music, musical instrument, neyromyoskeletal disorders, physiotherapy treatment, injuries
Τόμος 27 - Τεύχος 4 | ΟΚΤΩΒΡΙΟΣ - ΔΕΚΕΜΒΡΙΟΣ 2024
Volume 27 - Issue 4